burny posts, page 4

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20-June-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Why do people leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs?”

04-April-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Developers “increase” more than 100% profit on apartments”

28-January-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “The sum changes depending on the terms”

27-December-2023 Wednesday
Ivleeva will be checked for tax evasion

24-December-2023 Sunday
Youth Technology Party

08-December-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “Bullying, nostrils and hypocrisy”

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Guys, I hate you!”

06-December-2023 Wednesday
VTB has not reported to both BKIs about the complete early closure of demand for more than a year. loan

30-November-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “Pikabu News: updates in tag editing”

16-November-2023 Thursday
Continuation of the post “Adopt into the ranks”

07-September-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post "The Sun"

30-August-2023 Wednesday
Fatal error programmers Peekaboo

26-August-2023 Saturday
Where do they go from this garbage heap into which the peek-a-boo has been turned?

06-July-2023 Thursday
Ser1a's answer to "New schemes from the FSB"

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