bucet comments, page 5

[18] [6] [5] [4] [1]

30-August-2015 Sunday

21-August-2015 Friday
The man did not understand the next "prank" from the local moron

11-August-2015 Tuesday
Housing issue in the studio

11-August-2015 Tuesday
How to earn on subscribers

09-August-2015 Sunday
Everything new is a well-forgotten old...

24-July-2015 Friday
Boiled ... And so every day!

16-July-2015 Thursday
Cooking in a pot cut in half shows all the magic of induction cookers

07-July-2015 Tuesday
I arrived at the technical center

05-July-2015 Sunday
British stuntman vs Russian swing

02-July-2015 Thursday
ghost simulator

02-July-2015 Thursday
Synchronicity of the Chinese at the military parade

24-June-2015 Wednesday
Atheism in Kazakhstan

22-June-2015 Monday

18-June-2015 Thursday
An unusual way to cook a hot dog

17-June-2015 Wednesday
Grandmother, daughter and granddaughter

08-June-2015 Monday
In VK you can again search for people by the column "Worldview"

08-June-2015 Monday
Next purchases on aliexpress

04-June-2015 Thursday

25-May-2015 Monday
Phone found, possibly stolen

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