bryks123 posts, page 2

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30-May-2019 Thursday
Oh those Chinese...

05-May-2019 Sunday
First time on the train

25-April-2019 Thursday
Mom and daughter parody celebrities, making costumes from improvised means.

24-April-2019 Wednesday
laughing raven

06-March-2019 Wednesday

22-February-2019 Friday
In the case of the beating of a boy diagnosed with autism

22-February-2019 Friday
Someone jokes bad jokes

19-February-2019 Tuesday
The Tretyakov Gallery signed an additional security contract with the Russian Guard after the theft of Kuindzhi's painting

18-February-2019 Monday
There was a feeder - it became a prison

18-February-2019 Monday
lady in a million

24-January-2019 Thursday

16-January-2019 Wednesday
Termination of the use of personal data or how Sberbank scored something on it.

28-December-2018 Friday
It's only snow

27-December-2018 Thursday
Congratulations from Santa Claus

17-December-2018 Monday
snowy beauty

27-September-2018 Thursday
Unusual gift

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