bongaa comments, page 2

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27-August-2012 Monday
Exchange business cards for Peekaboo.

26-August-2012 Sunday
Guess who?

19-August-2012 Sunday
Collection of all pikabushniks!!

14-August-2012 Tuesday
My drawing

08-August-2012 Wednesday
MISS PIKABOO AUGUST - 2012 ( I - stage )

11-July-2012 Wednesday
Scene: Auchan Store

11-July-2012 Wednesday
helicopters on the road

11-July-2012 Wednesday
I never would have thought

10-July-2012 Tuesday
Meetings of pickups

04-July-2012 Wednesday
Vital =)

02-July-2012 Monday
I ask for help with advice to all who are not too lazy to read.

02-July-2012 Monday
Have you already watched this movie?

30-June-2012 Saturday
Robin the Hood

30-June-2012 Saturday
Even bears ignore me!! My day)

29-June-2012 Friday
Peekaboo, I'm back.

29-June-2012 Friday

29-June-2012 Friday
and a light stroke...

29-June-2012 Friday
Here I play. (As part of my day)

29-June-2012 Friday
Isn't it time for the sea?

28-June-2012 Thursday
Ghost behavior in Pacman

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