31-December-2016 Saturday
Everything about this photo is perfect

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14-March-2016 Monday
Explosive Chicken

02-March-2016 Wednesday
Looks like it's time to lose weight

16-February-2016 Tuesday
I came home from work, turned on the TV, and there ... Jews are dancing Lezginka

14-February-2016 Sunday
Local marketing geniuses, or how to sell a cage

10-February-2016 Wednesday
I've always wondered how I would look in a stormtrooper suit...

04-February-2016 Thursday
Snickers in left hand, mars in right hand...

21-December-2015 Monday
It was the second week of vacation. I rested as best I could.

16-December-2015 Wednesday
A separate boiler has been prepared for such people!

04-December-2015 Friday
And the bath is in a black campaign

06-November-2015 Friday

08-October-2015 Thursday
Sofa troops

08-October-2015 Thursday
Expiration quickly ends

01-October-2015 Thursday
Planes don't fly

10-July-2015 Friday
I'm looking for experienced advice;) Comments for minuses inside!

09-July-2015 Thursday
I found you!

05-June-2015 Friday
When the car broke down and you are Zamkadysh

28-May-2015 Thursday
when higher powers think you should still be a virgin

23-March-2015 Monday
Syrok Druzhba, rebranding

16-March-2015 Monday
What does shooting panoramas of non-static objects lead to?
