blueberry92 posts

23-June-2024 Sunday
Men fancied themselves kings. Or how to please the Sultan, read, O unworthy one

23-June-2024 Sunday
Outrageous attitude towards his wife and mother of his children. Why do such videos look like a mockery of a woman?

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Have a great summer everyone!

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Women, are we that naive?

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Why is it such a problem to install an air conditioner correctly?

04-June-2024 Tuesday
People who have sex on the street, you are animals.

03-June-2024 Monday
How could you not go to Paris with Boyarsky?

03-June-2024 Monday
Maaam, help me with my homework

02-June-2024 Sunday
Homemade rolls recipe. Cool stuff. Easy and convenient, we prepare a lot of delicious food

02-June-2024 Sunday
Disadvantages of living in the USA that cannot be kept silent about. But it's not a sin to laugh

01-June-2024 Saturday
Does LUBE's song turn out to be about the streets?

01-June-2024 Saturday
Why do you need a business if you don’t have money for an online cash register?

01-June-2024 Saturday
Youth and youth, as it was recently...
