15-November-2016 Tuesday
New banknote in Kazakhstan. Looks like he doesn't know how to perpetuate himself.

18-July-2016 Monday
The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan denied reports of an attack on a military unit in Kapshagay

18-July-2016 Monday
Toyota with criminals (terrorist) managed to be detained on Abai Ave. in Almaty

18-July-2016 Monday
Red level of terrorist threat declared in Almaty

18-July-2016 Monday
Terrorists are firing in the city of Almaty

06-June-2016 Monday
"Yellow" level of terrorist threat for 40 days introduced in Kazakhstan

29-January-2016 Friday
Our Kazash, there is no right to self-defense. Courts KZ. The case of A. Kuznetsov

15-January-2016 Friday
Refugees brought to Europe a terrible game of rape "taharrush" (18+)

21-December-2015 Monday
One clip for two (Or how Kazakhs cut mani)
