biro comments, page 14

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10-October-2016 Monday
There are horseradish mushrooms

29-September-2016 Thursday
About "luck" on the roads

27-September-2016 Tuesday
There is one city that dreams ...

23-July-2016 Saturday
The already legendary photoshopper continues to pleasantly surprise.

26-May-2016 Thursday
Flash drive found.

13-March-2016 Sunday
In Denmark, bachelors are sprinkled with cinnamon ... but there is a proposal that is not so radical)

27-February-2016 Saturday
Drank and ate immediately

27-February-2016 Saturday
What is a devil machine?

03-December-2015 Thursday
Bekmambetov. Shot in one frame.

01-October-2015 Thursday
missing people

27-June-2015 Saturday
How beautiful to serve kitchen utensils on the table

11-May-2015 Monday
I have never seen such audacity!

21-March-2015 Saturday
typical women

07-December-2014 Sunday
Pfff, look how I can!

26-November-2014 Wednesday
Let's remember the school

13-November-2014 Thursday
Lviv homeless Slavik became a star of world gloss

13-November-2014 Thursday
Why for me the martial arts section turned out to be better than the gym

10-November-2014 Monday
New Year is getting closer

26-August-2014 Tuesday
20 brilliant travel tips

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