berSeTar comments, page 109

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26-June-2024 Wednesday
I'm happy after I finally bought the RTX 4090:

23-June-2024 Sunday
Here and there or collective farm tuning, a modern version

22-June-2024 Saturday
They handed over to the Nazis, and the creators were shot: that they lied to us about Katyusha

21-June-2024 Friday
This is fucked up comrades

20-June-2024 Thursday
I think I've begun to understand men)

19-June-2024 Wednesday
In Moscow, a 20-year-old citizen of Tajikistan extinguished candles in order to offend the feelings of Orthodox Christians and attacked a parishioner, the capital's Investigative Committee reports.

18-June-2024 Tuesday
Following in the footsteps of the past Nintendo Direct 2024

15-June-2024 Saturday
New employee

15-June-2024 Saturday
An ordinary day in the DPRK

15-June-2024 Saturday
Who was married to his mother's son?

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