badserii posts

19-April-2024 Friday
Help me find a book or post. A fortress under siege, the leader threw a knife from the wall

04-August-2021 Wednesday
In connection with the influx of military Belarusians on Pikabu

23-May-2021 Sunday
narviss' response to "Beware, he's very brave"

04-July-2019 Thursday
Singer Jasmine's husband stole nearly $3 billion from Moldovan banks

21-May-2017 Sunday
Gypsy is a swear word

06-March-2015 Friday
In the United States, Russian-speakers are recruited into a private army, most likely to be sent to the Donbass.

28-February-2015 Saturday
The news about Nemtsov's death was prepared in the Ukrainian media 3 days before

02-July-2014 Wednesday
You will not believe, but this is an anti-terrorist operation (the so-called)

13-May-2014 Tuesday
Europe organized the Euromaidan only in order not to return the debt of 160 million dollars

04-March-2014 Tuesday
Putin almost called the Maidan a mandan.

26-February-2014 Wednesday
Klitschko meets dead cops

18-February-2014 Tuesday
Adolf Hitler's reaction to the news of a rally in support of Euromaidan in St. Petersburg

08-February-2014 Saturday
Perhaps I will be downvoted by Westernophiles, but it's a horror what's going on in America.

21-January-2014 Tuesday
Burning Ukrainian policemen

15-July-2013 Monday
Not Bad face from Obama's wife

03-July-2012 Tuesday
Berezovsky's negotiations with Ponomarev

26-May-2012 Saturday
Surkovskaya means propaganda

22-January-2012 Sunday
Tell me, where does the State Department?

22-December-2011 Thursday
The US has 25% of the world's prisoners!

22-December-2011 Thursday
PCLinuxOS is 140% good.

08-December-2011 Thursday
Not redneck
