best comments
Thai language
Riding the wave of pedoysteria
I didn't let my son electrocute me, now I'm bad
who does not jump - that Russian warrior
Showdown in St. Petersburg, the prosecutor on the Range Rover against the pedestrian.
The Russian Defense Ministry decided to put an end to the disputes about the liberators of Auschwitz.
Blockade of our time...
Bandera's ideology is gaining momentum
7-30 am
Western media readers react to Vladimir Putin's press conference
Friday and Saturday mine
Question to the Russians
Where did Russia come from?
expensive and useless virtual purchases
The Turkish military released an audio recording of Su-24 warnings.
"Cunning plan" in action.
People, this is fucked up
The concert failed...
Charlie Hebdo attack suspects killed.
Victory on the march
Obama Decree allowed creditors to tear Rosiiyu for debts.
Fascists are panicking
A thought came to mind.
D. Linko plans to burn Moscow (with his entire retinue, of course)
Cyborgs start...
All dots above "yo"
Check it out guys
Western media readers react to Vladimir Putin's press conference
Saving is what it is
Saakashvili engages in extortion and racketeering - people's deputy of Ukraine
Opinion of "free people".
He said that he was driving on a flashing green.
Where did Russia come from?
Muscovites settle
The reaction of Europeans to the undermining of power lines
Do you know a great Negro artist or a Negro poet?
In light of recent events
Victory on the march
FSB bans Ukrainian diaspora leader from entering Russia
They are still threatening us!
Simply masterpiece!
Post 3465149
Video from the execution of the Minister of Defense of the DPRK hit the Internet.
We are Cossacks .... from Valtsman
Murder in Ukraine.
Where did Russia come from?
The sculpture sold for $143 million. "Pointing man". Explain why?!?!?!??!
I want changes
Simply ShTA
Looks like she got cold...
Taxi, taxi.
Test print
The cause of death has not been established (in pursuit of the post The phenomenon of the disappearance of people without a trace)
Butterfly Effect...
So the Europeans got gratitude?!