b2041154 comments

[13] [2] [1]

16-March-2016 Wednesday
Toyota tricycle

16-March-2016 Wednesday
Introvert lvl 80

16-March-2016 Wednesday
Came to visit us on the yacht

16-March-2016 Wednesday
Music store everyday life

16-March-2016 Wednesday

16-March-2016 Wednesday
When you bought a car but you're still a cyclist at heart

16-March-2016 Wednesday
Let's learn English

16-March-2016 Wednesday
The Force Awakens - DVD release pushed back to April 5th

16-March-2016 Wednesday
That moment when you don't have your own garage

16-March-2016 Wednesday
After 20 years of work, my Nintendo 64 has died.

15-March-2016 Tuesday
What's in your name

15-March-2016 Tuesday
However, nothing surprising

15-March-2016 Tuesday
No, I'm not offended...

15-March-2016 Tuesday
Recommend a dark sound

11-March-2016 Friday
15 places in the world that will get you arrested

17-February-2016 Wednesday
Games for the Sega Mega Drive (or Sega Genesis) console.

05-January-2016 Tuesday
Everyone is waiting for the 6th season of the Game of Thrones, and I'm waiting for the continuation of this wonderful series

[13] [2] [1]
