away comments

[4] [2] [1]

28-June-2013 Friday
didn't mark

28-June-2013 Friday
meanwhile in russia

27-June-2013 Thursday
When told not to touch.

27-June-2013 Thursday
Muscles grow right before your eyes!

27-June-2013 Thursday
Remember the iPhone causes tp syndrome... But most people have immunity

01-June-2013 Saturday
TP and computer

01-June-2013 Saturday
I'm doing a survey

31-May-2013 Friday
When there is nothing to do.

26-May-2013 Sunday
We are all so different...

15-May-2013 Wednesday
And let's try...

24-April-2013 Wednesday
What does "Like" mean?!

24-April-2013 Wednesday
It seems not a button accordion

19-April-2013 Friday

19-April-2013 Friday
Guests on my balcony

19-April-2013 Friday
About punishment!

19-April-2013 Friday
How to fool your brain

24-February-2013 Sunday

21-February-2013 Thursday
And what will happen in the future?

[4] [2] [1]
