avoyaker comments

15-September-2015 Tuesday
We leave from surveillance on the computer! Or how to cover your tracks.

26-July-2015 Sunday
It's worth considering ...

12-July-2015 Sunday
How to easily remove multiple coats of paint from a wood surface.

18-June-2015 Thursday
Cons post.

23-April-2015 Thursday
The mountains.

12-April-2015 Sunday
Fired, but still want to eat? =(

25-September-2014 Thursday

29-August-2014 Friday
Making SmartTV from Raspberry Pi

23-May-2014 Friday
In support of the Friday tag "my" - I'll draw you with a pencil, I won't miss anyone!

26-November-2013 Tuesday
Bullets fly through objects

11-November-2013 Monday
[Free Key] Starcraft Antology

28-October-2013 Monday

27-October-2013 Sunday
Free keys, at least they should work.

26-October-2013 Saturday
Saints Row IV

25-October-2013 Friday
scared the cat

05-October-2013 Saturday
Always dreamed of doing this!
