astrorus comments, page 2

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18-June-2022 Saturday
Then I will run out into the field and shout: “Yo-yo-yo-zhi-i-i-k!”

13-May-2022 Friday
End of an era

27-November-2021 Saturday
MRI of the spine. I ask for help from those who know

20-July-2021 Tuesday
Speed ??post

18-June-2021 Friday
Dad, I just wanted to write!

18-June-2021 Friday
Gentlemen pikabushniki, need advice

16-June-2021 Wednesday
They ruined a graduate's cake, but the graduate didn't like it

13-June-2021 Sunday
Are there traumatologists here? Need advice/help

08-December-2020 Tuesday
Age of Dawn

11-October-2020 Sunday
Happy Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers Day!

11-October-2020 Sunday
Congratulations to everyone involved on their professional holiday

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Post 7689210

01-September-2020 Tuesday
And a little bit of Elvish...

11-June-2020 Thursday
Japanese shoes

01-June-2020 Monday
Today in the suburbs of Belgorod it was “slightly” windy

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