astilllovinov comments

02-December-2019 Monday
From the comments on Habre

04-November-2019 Monday
Diablo 4 announcement

24-September-2018 Monday
Feedback in the mobile application of Kazpost

20-August-2018 Monday
EVERYTHING numbers are hidden in Kazan

19-July-2018 Thursday
Help diagnosing broken MacBook Air

15-July-2018 Sunday
How my childhood passion turned into a dream job

14-July-2018 Saturday
About luck, sluggishness and the need for online check-in for a flight

11-July-2018 Wednesday
How Aeroflot works “well” and shifts the blame from itself to passengers

11-August-2017 Friday
About nonspecific ulcerative colitis, autoimmune diseases and remission.

10-August-2017 Thursday
In Minsk, a man was detained who "engaged in masturbation" in his car

07-July-2017 Friday
1975 Ikarus 250.60 SL VIP bus from the 70s.

05-July-2017 Wednesday
OSAGO and how to deal with it.

01-July-2017 Saturday
Pachim would not
