asroket comments

21-April-2022 Thursday
Who pits us against each other - "Beware of the evil "Dog" or another fact of degradation." (Nina Thin Propaganda 18+)

19-April-2022 Tuesday
"You get a call from the bank": in Russia, the activity of telephone fraudsters in the banking sector has fallen sharply

18-April-2022 Monday
In the Leningrad region in the field found a cross made in the XVI century

15-April-2022 Friday
The fire is not a fire, but why so many doubts (about the cruiser)? Well, for example, here's the thing:

15-April-2022 Friday
Komi needs to eliminate 5.5 thousand ownerless wells

15-April-2022 Friday
Response to the post "Cyberpunk we deserve"
