best comments
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
And it’s better for the men not to live at all, we interfere with the bugs
A little about religion
Novosibirsk scientists were looking for a way to fight diabetes and accidentally invented hangover-free vodka
A little about religion
A little about religion
A little about religion
Day 8
Day 8
Day 4
You're reading. What do you find in this?
Day 4
How cosplayers secure their dress to their chest
Day 2
Day 8
Day 8
Day 7
Day 7
Day 6
Day 6
Day 6
Day 5
A little about religion
A little about religion
Everyone gets what they deserve
Everyone gets what they deserve
death games
Cultural norms, courage and self-determination
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9
Day 9