31-July-2014 Thursday
I came across in public on an interesting “cry from the soul” about refugees from Ukraine ... I advise you to read it.

31-July-2014 Thursday
Hundreds of Ukrainian punishers bury their dead near Saur-Mohyla (more in the comments)

30-July-2014 Wednesday
I shed a tear ...

30-July-2014 Wednesday
Kyiv has begun preparing a legal package regarding a lawsuit to return Crimea. (More in the comment)

27-July-2014 Sunday
Raid on nationalist groups. (Part #8)

26-July-2014 Saturday
D.D.W.S.N. Raid number 7 or down with nationalism.

21-July-2014 Monday
Alexander Dugin's analysis of the situation with Ukraine.

20-July-2014 Sunday
Raid No. 6 (part No. 1) and new ways to deal with national groups.

19-July-2014 Saturday
Dialogue with a Ukrainian (some rudeness)

19-July-2014 Saturday
Raid number 5 or how to teach evil dill a lesson.

17-July-2014 Thursday
Reports from the fronts.

17-July-2014 Thursday
