antihater comments

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12-August-2018 Sunday
Experiment: supermarket and rotten chicken (part 3)

20-July-2018 Friday
A gift for the director, from a cool pikabushnik!

12-July-2018 Thursday
Perfectionist background

11-July-2018 Wednesday
The Burger King app secretly records your phone screen!

02-June-2018 Saturday
Advertising ceilings from pigs

28-May-2018 Monday
Oil will end in 30 years!

23-May-2018 Wednesday
Ushm from the TV store

16-May-2018 Wednesday
Scammers at TTC in Moscow

25-April-2018 Wednesday
"bales of hay ... maybe sapsheni"

06-April-2018 Friday
How I almost became disabled

28-December-2017 Thursday
Construction help needed. Pipes under the ceiling in a new building

27-December-2017 Wednesday
Delay at the Crossroads

22-December-2017 Friday
My latest work. Seals in the technique of dry felting.

20-December-2017 Wednesday
Ant, death under the glass of the monitor

15-December-2017 Friday
Due to recent events.

10-November-2017 Friday
Need a consultation

09-November-2017 Thursday
Parents of minor children (under 14), or please note.

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