30-September-2013 Monday
It was not a name, in the yard, it was a recognition of your skill

05-September-2013 Thursday
Information about the chemical attack in Syria

23-July-2013 Tuesday
Wonderful moments of history

15-July-2013 Monday
Nice try

01-July-2013 Monday
Snowden asked for asylum in Russia

05-June-2013 Wednesday

04-June-2013 Tuesday
Long post http://www.mk.ru/specprojects/free-theme/article/2013/06/03/863746-sirota-v-rossii-ne-zhilets.html

03-June-2013 Monday
Something like a cookie

02-May-2013 Thursday

11-February-2013 Monday
brave cat

29-January-2013 Tuesday
The holiday comes to us

23-January-2013 Wednesday
Kin-dza-dza and the brave new world (taken from nnm) *not for rating and not for sracha, who remembers the USSR will understand*
