13-September-2018 Thursday
Today at Sberbank
04-September-2018 Tuesday
About "terrible public services"
02-August-2018 Thursday
Monster under the bed
01-August-2018 Wednesday
What else can she do?
10-July-2018 Tuesday
Another one gave up.
23-June-2018 Saturday
Free Logo
22-June-2018 Friday
18-June-2018 Monday
Reputation: all or nothing
29-May-2018 Tuesday
UBERe got its own FLASH
18-May-2018 Friday
Russian schoolchildren win six gold medals at the Asian Physics Olympiad
15-April-2018 Sunday
Everything according to the rules
12-April-2018 Thursday
Taxi driver case.
07-April-2018 Saturday
Hello LL
15-February-2018 Thursday
How to deceive several thousand pikabushniks?
15-February-2018 Thursday
Uber in Warsaw
26-January-2018 Friday
Fight for Nutella
23-December-2017 Saturday
War is just a cowardly escape from the problems of peacetime.
10-November-2017 Friday
Need help adjusting microphone volume
03-September-2017 Sunday
How I was converted to Islam.
30-June-2017 Friday
I made a travel card for a friend with an individual design.