worst comments
Jokes from Missandei for 300
Honest but stupid
Baratheon Army
What I would like to see in season 8.
Inventory stolen. HELP
But once games cost 500 rubles ...
Idiocy and feminists.
Given that Cersei is Jaime's twin brother, she should look like this:
So Saturday became Saturday
When you forgot that you are not on the Internet
Police arrest the thief
Then, it's OK
Meanwhile in Florida [fake]
Idiocy and feminists.
A glass for the little party that never killed nobody))
regicide series
Jaehaerys scares me more than Varys the mermaid
Meeting of a small jaguar and a tiger cub
It turns out that he also participated in the creation of the Game of Thrones
Self-flagellation of Warner Bros.
So now think...
Gypsies 2
About wet shoes
Maesters are terribly far from the people...
John *White Wolf* Snow
How lonely is he...
Let's take the children
GameNet - Black Desert Cheating Story
A glass for the little party that never killed nobody))
The brutal murder of the Russian world and European champion in powerlifting in Khabarovsk