an.tory comments, page 80

[85] [81] [80] [79] [1]

08-March-2024 Friday
CD instead of a grinder

07-March-2024 Thursday
The laptop does not see the SSD after a reboot. How can this problem be solved?

04-March-2024 Monday
What difficult moments have I encountered while working as a Reader?

28-February-2024 Wednesday
Premiere! Filmed the composition “Enough is Enough” by the team Combination using the painting Enough is enough for me

26-February-2024 Monday
How about """are the old people

25-February-2024 Sunday
Where to start building a smart home?

09-February-2024 Friday
In the wake of posts about shelves, in the wake of the battle between fems and mdshniks, or how we arranged the pantry

09-February-2024 Friday
Where can I see examples of configs for ESPHome?

05-February-2024 Monday
Just beautiful

[85] [81] [80] [79] [1]
