amsiger comments

[4] [2] [1]

20-July-2013 Saturday
Great moment in the series.

19-July-2013 Friday
I'll take the cons, but I don't know why I'm so outraged.

19-July-2013 Friday
Paper Cutter - Paper cutter

19-July-2013 Friday
Passionary theory of ethnogenesis by Lev Gumilyov.

11-July-2013 Thursday
as I see you * being pikabushniki

09-July-2013 Tuesday
Because I am a winner in life!

08-July-2013 Monday
Cleverly noted!)

08-July-2013 Monday
Guys, I bought cigarettes.

04-July-2013 Thursday
1969 high school fashion

04-July-2013 Thursday
Hanging Buddha - you can eat (long post)

27-June-2013 Thursday
The explosion of a fuel truck and its consequences. Long Post Video where the fuel tray is burning in the comments.

26-June-2013 Wednesday
Song of Ice and Fire

12-June-2013 Wednesday

12-June-2013 Wednesday
My garden

20-May-2013 Monday
And again cheating on Pikachu.

08-May-2013 Wednesday

06-May-2013 Monday
About girls ...

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