almost.heroics comments, page 5

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16-September-2023 Saturday
A story in which nothing bad happened and everything ended well

23-August-2023 Wednesday
Methodius Pro-Kremlin Information Bubble -158(543)

13-August-2023 Sunday
The one who missed the chance to be called Voldemorator, and his acquaintances in the Chamber of Secrets

09-June-2023 Friday
My dear Minerva, in my opinion, there is a terrible confusion when we say: You-Know-Who, You-Don't-Know-Who - this is complete nonsense!

02-April-2023 Sunday
How did Sirius Black end up in Azkaban?

02-March-2023 Thursday
Unusual behavior of the phoenix in Ollivander's shop

31-December-2022 Saturday
Three professors preparing a matinee at Hogwarts

28-December-2022 Wednesday
Balls at the bar a minute before work

31-October-2022 Monday
Ron "The Clock" Weasley and Harry "The Map" Potter Rush to Transfiguration Class

08-July-2022 Friday
When you insult Albus Dumbledore, make sure Hagrid is not around.

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