algrass comments, page 3

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19-January-2020 Sunday
Reply to the post “About names”

18-January-2020 Saturday
Rescue at any cost

16-January-2020 Thursday
“Grandchildren of pediatricians don’t get sick,” or how to rot your offspring

16-January-2020 Thursday
About traditional medicine and mothers who know better than doctors what is best for their children

13-January-2020 Monday
A few words about medieval humor

11-January-2020 Saturday
A retired porn star complained about...

07-January-2020 Tuesday

04-January-2020 Saturday
Kadyrov's daughter opened the Paris restaurant on the site of the city library

30-December-2019 Monday
The child was beaten by his ex-wife's partner. This is how the roommate brought his son to school. I want to take the child for myself. Is there a chance?

27-December-2019 Friday
A teacher from Yekaterinburg talks about “crazy parents”

26-December-2019 Thursday
Yes, I don't eat anything!

21-December-2019 Saturday
When saving the princess, don’t forget

18-December-2019 Wednesday
It's a pity that we switched to electronic money

17-December-2019 Tuesday
How to talk to a woman who has lost a child

03-December-2019 Tuesday
#93: In Germany at the bottom

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