alexmay777 comments, page 6

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26-August-2014 Tuesday
Robot bartender! The future is already here!

23-August-2014 Saturday
Two different perceptions of the same news

14-August-2014 Thursday
Ungrateful Ukraine

03-August-2014 Sunday
O tempora, o mores!

03-August-2014 Sunday
We probably didn't forget much.

29-July-2014 Tuesday
As long as we are united, we are invincible

19-July-2014 Saturday
This ad made my day)

12-July-2014 Saturday
and it’s my birthday today, I’m 25 years old, I’m going to sit for a 12-hour shift) my mother didn’t congratulate me, I congratulated her on the birth of my daughter)

09-July-2014 Wednesday
The situation on the fronts of the South-East on July 9.

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Life Winner

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Need help

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Random vulgarity in our photography

08-July-2014 Tuesday
What if you add a bit of a cat to a work of art?

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Why have articles about bad refugees become more frequent?

08-July-2014 Tuesday
How do they leave comments like that?

03-July-2014 Thursday
How to raise a bully?

30-June-2014 Monday
Tram got lost

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