alexlozhkov posts

16-March-2016 Wednesday
What to do if scammers blocked your i-device?

20-August-2014 Wednesday
Request to gamers

20-July-2014 Sunday
Shout or post for help

02-July-2014 Wednesday
The tragedy of life

17-May-2014 Saturday
Photos from the village

17-May-2014 Saturday
Nobody wants a trade, Day Me or RUST for Diablo III with a pumped Persian or Battlefield 3?

12-May-2014 Monday
Gift for a girl

12-April-2014 Saturday
For the league of giants

09-April-2014 Wednesday
My brother is a year old tomorrow, and he already looks better than me in a suit.

07-April-2014 Monday
Me again with my photos

23-March-2014 Sunday
Some beautiful and unusual views of the glorious hero city of Smolensk.

22-March-2014 Saturday
How can one be easily puzzled (COUB)

08-February-2014 Saturday
My first and only story.
