agent4214 comments, page 40

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22-October-2024 Tuesday
How did you live in the Soviet Union?

07-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “No one needs an 8-hour work day”

25-May-2024 Saturday
I'm still afraid of breaking it

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Grandmother and neighbor: I see right through you, prostitute! Grandma and the scammers: Transfer you 2 million? Take a loan? I'm running, running, my killer whales!

29-April-2024 Monday
Need to come up with a powerful joke

18-March-2024 Monday
In connection with the beginning of Lent, I remembered one anecdote

02-March-2024 Saturday
How to survive if you win a billion: Tyumen residents who hit the jackpot in the lottery fled

01-March-2024 Friday
How much do you smoke and drink?

23-February-2024 Friday
Happy holiday to everyone involved!

19-February-2024 Monday
How the brain deceives us

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