admir comments, page 4

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28-December-2016 Wednesday
For those who are not satisfied with the speed of the WiFi connection

28-February-2016 Sunday

07-December-2015 Monday
Session close

29-October-2015 Thursday
Memories of elementary school, my embarrassment and the first Teacher.

25-October-2015 Sunday
About building prices and quality

16-October-2015 Friday
What bald celebrities with hair looked like:

06-September-2015 Sunday
Petersburg dawn

10-August-2015 Monday
"Atrocity on the Track"

05-August-2015 Wednesday
Build your love

27-July-2015 Monday
Where is the traffic going?

11-July-2015 Saturday
A resident of Kabardino-Balkaria celebrated her 125th birthday

27-June-2015 Saturday
Vandals of my city

16-June-2015 Tuesday
Expectation and reality

10-June-2015 Wednesday
Ministry of Defense is joking

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