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30-September-2015 Wednesday
Well, comrades, it started?

29-September-2015 Tuesday
Bypass the motion sensor in the office

28-September-2015 Monday
Here's how to love your children

26-September-2015 Saturday
That moment when beer flows from the tap instead of water

26-September-2015 Saturday
The sadists who did this, I sincerely wish you ....

25-September-2015 Friday
Such a sexy dance

25-September-2015 Friday
Do not park at the exit, otherwise this is waiting for you ...

25-September-2015 Friday
StreetFire blew up Gorky Park

20-September-2015 Sunday
And I'm going to the wedding so ....

18-September-2015 Friday
A world without Moors at the wheel

15-September-2015 Tuesday
Who does he consider the champion?

15-September-2015 Tuesday
Angry parrot

15-September-2015 Tuesday
Just like a Hollywood chase

10-September-2015 Thursday
Is it possible?

09-September-2015 Wednesday
Residents of Petropavlovsk got stuck in tar right in the middle of the street

06-September-2015 Sunday
When it's not interesting, but no one else will listen except you.

05-September-2015 Saturday
An unusual way to have fun. They make fire from under the ice.

05-September-2015 Saturday
Do not sleep Sharik, otherwise you will freeze!

05-September-2015 Saturday
New American Ninja

04-September-2015 Friday
Scratch my belly, or how the concrete mixer turned over

02-September-2015 Wednesday
The cat decided to spend all 9 lives at once

02-September-2015 Wednesday
Accident of a taxi driver with a cyclist

31-August-2015 Monday
u907oh 69 almost killed a child 08/31/2015 Tver

29-August-2015 Saturday
Sleeping in an embrace is much more pleasant) *

28-August-2015 Friday
As if looking into the soul

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