a4etak posts, page 2
06-June-2020 Saturday
Chipization. Start
28-July-2018 Saturday
It seemed
27-September-2015 Sunday
True American.
29-July-2015 Wednesday
Trash advertising my yard
09-July-2015 Thursday
Untrusted terminal in housing construction savings bank
23-June-2015 Tuesday
Soon I'm going to the Charyn Canyon, so I bought a knife for all occasions
17-June-2015 Wednesday
Me and Jennifer Lawrence
15-June-2015 Monday
Peekaboo, need help for people like me! I promise I won't spoil!
26-April-2015 Sunday
Elections! Ready, attention... finish! We have a winner!
21-April-2015 Tuesday
Who is Abai Kunanbaev?
19-April-2015 Sunday
Age of Honore de Balzac