Zorch comments

[8] [2] [1]

05-August-2012 Sunday
Pika... Boo

02-August-2012 Thursday
dudes who understands computers???

31-July-2012 Tuesday
Trailer of the movie "Speed ??3: The Asshole Bus"

30-July-2012 Monday
As a matter of fact.

29-July-2012 Sunday
Decided to get a dog.

22-July-2012 Sunday
Yes, yes.

18-July-2012 Wednesday
The track that you are ready to listen to at least 10 times on repeat in the comments!

10-July-2012 Tuesday
A little more of my beast :)

08-July-2012 Sunday
Some facts about man's best friends

04-July-2012 Wednesday

03-July-2012 Tuesday
my little dog)))

02-July-2012 Monday
What to see?

02-July-2012 Monday
picked up three miracles today

02-July-2012 Monday
what i do at work :)

02-July-2012 Monday
Peekaboo, tell us about your nickname :)

29-January-2012 Sunday
Ctrl+V , Please

06-January-2012 Friday
The dog is a catcher

24-October-2011 Monday
Found, here, in the country ...

24-October-2011 Monday

17-September-2011 Saturday
That's strength!...

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