Zoohumanist comments

31-January-2020 Friday
Real men don't keep cats at home!

27-January-2020 Monday
He knew too much: Archpriest Chaplin was liquidated by members of a monarchist conspiracy!?

21-January-2020 Tuesday
Cathunting today is not fun, but a way to survive!?

19-January-2020 Sunday
Is Jesus Christ called the Redeemer because he bathed in the Jordan River at baptism?

18-January-2020 Saturday
Dmitry Medvedev participated in a conspiracy against Vladimir Putin!?

17-January-2020 Friday
Cats readily eat human flesh

16-January-2020 Thursday
Big Purge 2.0

12-January-2020 Sunday
Is it true that the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and other “Asians” do not have creative thinking and are only able to borrow from Europeans?

11-January-2020 Saturday
The responsible employee of Rossiya Airlines turned out to be a serial killer!?

06-January-2020 Monday
What will the public zoo inspectorate do?

01-January-2020 Wednesday
Soup with a cat for the New Year (Rats) or debunking a common myth

30-December-2019 Monday
Is it possible to punish a cat for sabotage like this? (18+)

29-December-2019 Sunday
IKEA has opened a zoohumanistic project to rehome stray animals

28-December-2019 Saturday
Why are cats the negative characters in most foreign films for children?

22-December-2019 Sunday
Is it legal for stray cats to live in the basements of apartment buildings?

14-December-2018 Friday
How cats became "evil incarnate" and targets for the Inquisition
