ZomboiDD posts

27-November-2014 Thursday
When my friend entered the medical school and told me how hard it is to study, I had fun. It was his turn to laugh at me.

21-August-2014 Thursday
And again I ask for help from the league of tyzh programmers.

15-August-2014 Friday
League of tyzhprogrammer pikabu! Help!

14-August-2014 Thursday
Here is a jar of condensed milk :)

13-August-2014 Wednesday
A small question for the residents of Volgograd. I hope for your only honest answers. I don’t ask you to bring it to the top. I’ll add a comment for the minuses.

12-May-2014 Monday
Rasta Dog

12-May-2014 Monday
Compilation with rottweilers #3

11-May-2014 Sunday
Rottweilers are bullies and destroyers.

11-May-2014 Sunday
A small selection of Rottweilers with cute and funny muzzles.

15-January-2014 Wednesday
It's time for great skooma

14-January-2014 Tuesday
Like a toy))

06-October-2013 Sunday
Is there a skooma? And if I find it

10-August-2013 Saturday
Indeed, why not?

20-May-2013 Monday
