ZloyChomyak comments

[7] [2] [1]

05-June-2016 Sunday
Unexpected meeting

03-June-2016 Friday
Smart, bastard! :) In Ufa, a criminal blew up an ATM using balloons.

29-May-2016 Sunday
The housing issue or how the strongest ties collapse.

29-May-2016 Sunday
The army is a mystical thing)

29-May-2016 Sunday
Work on credit

26-May-2016 Thursday
Alternative medicine

26-May-2016 Thursday
Little asshole

26-May-2016 Thursday
Dangerous weapon.

24-May-2016 Tuesday
So, where do the undelivered goods go with Ali.

24-May-2016 Tuesday
Daughter of an alcoholic. Part 5

22-May-2016 Sunday
Pedestrian crossing in Vietnam

22-May-2016 Sunday
From session to session...

20-May-2016 Friday
Daughter of an alcoholic. Part 4

13-May-2016 Friday
How to expose cheating or crush rose-colored glasses with a heel

09-April-2016 Saturday
Comrades Pikabushniki, tell me where you can earn extra money in Barnaul.

08-January-2016 Friday
How to fly cheap to Crete

11-December-2015 Friday
Your face when today is Friday -)

14-May-2015 Thursday
Help withdraw money from steam.

22-January-2015 Thursday
Believe it or not...

10-August-2014 Sunday
Post in memory of a friend who is no longer

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