ZheglovGleb comments, page 6

[7] [6] [5] [1]

12-March-2022 Saturday
Reptilians say they are leaving Russia

20-February-2022 Sunday
First Level Snake Charmer

18-February-2022 Friday
It's always sunny in Philadelphia

16-February-2022 Wednesday
How do you come to terms with the feeling of your own insignificance?

16-February-2022 Wednesday
The commander can agree!

25-January-2022 Tuesday
Beglov diligently cast a shadow on the wicker, talking about the culprits of poor snow removal.

22-January-2022 Saturday
Who will pay for the flight?

12-January-2022 Wednesday
Be careful

06-January-2022 Thursday
Top 10 largest companies in Russia by capitalization (2000-2021)

03-January-2022 Monday
When the loan is overdue by one minute

31-December-2021 Friday
When I fell into a snowdrift in Rostov

30-December-2021 Thursday

26-December-2021 Sunday
Eats, yells

[7] [6] [5] [1]
