Zeltris comments

[25] [2] [1]

06-May-2022 Friday
I always wave to passing trains

04-May-2022 Wednesday
The wife constantly sits at home and is eternally dissatisfied

04-May-2022 Wednesday
That's how trees grow in Amsterdam

01-April-2022 Friday
The main villain of my childhood (according to my grandmother))

31-March-2022 Thursday
Aunt Luba, come on, come on, come on!

21-March-2022 Monday
congratulate me

09-March-2022 Wednesday
... and 64 thousand employees will be left without work

28-February-2022 Monday
I smell hard

15-February-2022 Tuesday
They'll just sniff and play around...

31-January-2022 Monday
How to Protect a Teacher from Parents

26-January-2022 Wednesday
A native of Chechnya stabbed a Muscovite for asking to be quieter

15-January-2022 Saturday
What troubles can conceal the found flash drive?

02-January-2022 Sunday
Weaned a big boy from the fear of metal coatings

19-October-2021 Tuesday
Compression bucket and reindeer gauge

04-October-2021 Monday
A working life hack for severe nasal congestion (I'm not kidding at all)

08-September-2021 Wednesday
Evening reminder

27-June-2021 Sunday
You can't be on the playground! But if with beer, then you can

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