best comments
What a coincidence
Brilliant :)
Brother and sister.
These Russians are just like Europeans ...
This is an awkward feeling ...
A good reason to be a girl.
The World's Strongest Men in Brazil
Universal hand
old nfs they are)
Brother and sister.
Metalworker lvl 90
Turnstiles take note.
These Russians are just like Europeans ...
Do you know this joke?
Music on MTV
Last call
Rock is sacred.
Holidays coming soon
Answering on formsspring can be interesting!
Death of Peter Parker
About Russian national cuisine...
That embarrassing moment when a kangaroo has a better butt than you
There is a third option as well.
More about Xbox One
There it is.
Today's birthdays!
Brother and sister.
Men will understand
We need new ideas for...
Mindfulness post
I know.
You never know what's on top of the building!
The best way to shoot girls is to take a picture in the president's chair
Brother and sister.
Brother and sister.
Mindfulness post
triple facepalm
Who made...
And at the end...
It's not good to miss this lesson.
It happens
Go square, I drew!
''plus, come on!''
Dedicated to students
funny son
Borscht and cutlets
Now this is your new madness!
Fierljeppen (literally far-leaping) is the national sport in Holland
Found myself a boyfriend
About reposts from other sites.
Skype call
Mindfulness post
25 rubles
Fishing went well
Gandalf's scheme
True gentleman
Leonardo DiCaprio proved at the Cannes Film Festival that everything is in order with him.
poor dad
The essence of modern cinema
The son I'm proud of.
There it is.
Parade of untapped moments
The Incredible Adventures of the Brotherhood of the Ring in Russia
On the second floor
Women's resentment
Do you want a cupcake?
Dad is funny! :D
fluorite is like a piece of the night sky
Dog lovers are familiar.
About the flood in Prague
The reasons:
Sex, drugs, patriarch
''plus, come on!''
Yes it's a difference
Lord of the Rings
Linguist master
About Russian national cuisine...
It won't be an easy 24 hours for both of them...
Brother and sister.
Poor Pluto
caring mother cat
Owners of weak computers will understand
Soviet cat-saboteur slows down the advance of enemy vehicles
Someone gives you cheaper?
Little pickups.
It's not good to miss this lesson.
Sorry Vader :(
Anna is still stupid!
Movie memes [Long post]
Dog against wife, or "I was distracted for a second"
Dzhigurda, Dzhigurda with a guitar and Dzhigurda with a tattoo
Mindfulness post
Legolas - amazing emotions!
Two girls, Dagestanis and McDonald's
Eh, it was... Enjoyed acting.
I did everything right.))
half life 3 & valve
It's not good to miss this lesson.
Divide by 0
And that's true
I know they love quality cosplay here
here it is yea.
Morning ( well, like morning, 01:30 ) on the first of January in the St. Petersburg metro
Pandas in the mall xD
Our complexes
Well, who could resist?
interesting facts from the world of business
About Poland))
Well try
Correspondence with a philologist.
I got burned.
Everyone has cats, dogs... but I have this:)
Why search?
You do what you want, and I'm happy.
Just beautiful art about the new movie "The Hobbit"
"Dear Grafon, my jaw has been lying under the table for the second day!"
I bought just such a mouse) the girl did not immediately catch up with what it is)))
Today's birthdays!
Fishing went well
Here is the jump
Ax effect
interesting facts from the world of business
And that's how it all started.
Typical mediator
Mom was away for a few weeks.
Good day
Do you see it too??
Failure in battlefield 3
Kitty of my friends)
Comments as always!
Do you know this joke?
k/f Haze
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
Rock is sacred.
Pandas in the mall xD
Our complexes
Go, I created!
Mindfulness post
If the flying pasta monster doesn't exist, then why does our DNA look like fusilli noodles ("coils" in our language)?
An old vulgar joke about Lieutenant Rzhevsky
one to one straight
My owl
Spaceship landing...
Materials science, standardization, psychology ... Or "I love teachers who are interested in their subject"
Photo of the day
Byvet :)
Children are such children.
Gadget lovers :)
You need to enjoy the little things, dear pikabushniks :)
Really fucked up already
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
Politicians on peek-a-boo
Staring Game!
Not everyone will understand....
The guy is a poet
A good reason to be a girl.
Today, according to the author's sources of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is the birthday of the best detective of all time!
Dog lovers are familiar.
When you first wake up after drinking
Robert Sheehan on the red carpet.
The case in the MSLU hostel
I just ate :D
Guys, don't be afraid of girls with braces)
This is how it is
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
What about rockets?
Darvaza gas crater in Turkmenistan.
Life didn't prepare me for this
It's not good to miss this lesson.
I'm shocked!
School rockers
really why?
I woke up famous...
Stupid Justin
I did everything right.))
How porn movies are dubbed
Linguist master
Koschey is jealous
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
YouTube comments
Brother and sister.
Of course, he is far from Mikhalkov. Only 5 minutes on the screen.
The truth is in wine
Happy birthday, Comrade Generalissimo!
Dzhigurda, Dzhigurda with a guitar and Dzhigurda with a tattoo
interesting facts from the world of business
Schrodinger is fed up
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
Second class assignment.
Found myself a boyfriend
A walk to the movies
We sit well!)
I am okay with it.
Blonde is a parking star
Someone explain to me what's going on here.
Someone explain to me what's going on here.
Epic Fail.
Prioritize correctly
Trick question
Here it is, Americanization ....)
Mosquitoes ...
Does everything in our country need to be decided by rudeness?
Rhyming Peekaboo :3
Why are the Jedi portrayed as a positive force in Star Wars? It's time to dot the i's!!!
Skype call
Schrodinger is fed up
Pineapple, watermelon... in general, Angry birds!
Nobody understands me :(((
It's great!!!
It's great!!!