Zaharatot posts, page 2

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23-January-2023 Monday
Reply to "Indignation Post"

10-June-2022 Friday
A little bit about "burnout" and time sharing

09-May-2022 Monday
Response to the post "Mortgage for IT professionals"

25-February-2022 Friday
Curtail reading posts

24-March-2021 Wednesday
Reply to the post “This is where I get clients”

11-August-2020 Tuesday
Updated from a legal point of view

06-August-2020 Thursday
Computer shutdown due to overheating in some games

23-November-2019 Saturday
My suggestion

07-November-2019 Thursday
Longer than average...

15-October-2019 Tuesday
Smartphone degradation

21-September-2019 Saturday
Sketch for the plot

06-September-2019 Friday
On the subject of smoking

27-July-2019 Saturday
Pixel art artist

08-April-2019 Monday
Translation: "Why the Epic Store is a botnet"

26-March-2019 Tuesday
DarkSouls hate post

20-March-2019 Wednesday
IJoy Zenith after more than half a year

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