ZabavaPoteshnaya comments, page 4

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23-September-2019 Monday
Dedicated to bespectacled

09-September-2019 Monday
Newsletter #902: Junk food addiction killed 17-year-old's visual neurons

17-August-2019 Saturday
Oh please!

10-August-2019 Saturday
There will come a time when our children will be embarrassed

30-June-2019 Sunday
Girls in bathing suits on a luxury yacht of the Russian Orthodox Church

27-January-2019 Sunday
And now what to do?

04-October-2018 Thursday
These legs look like they've taken offense at their owner and are about to leave.

26-August-2018 Sunday
Halloween phone case. I got an iPhone (Eye-phone)

26-August-2018 Sunday
The years take their toll

24-August-2018 Friday
Treatment by the power of faith in Tatar

03-August-2018 Friday
Too vital

01-June-2018 Friday
Collapsed fences in Krasnoyarsk on Karl Marx Street were glued together by road workers with adhesive tape.

28-February-2018 Wednesday
I'll take a kitten! Young cat.

28-February-2018 Wednesday

17-February-2018 Saturday
How I left the army.

15-February-2018 Thursday
Road to school

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