worst comments
Not sure about the top
Join the humanitarian troops!
British expert: Putin is right about the federalization of Ukraine
Good post. cat king
SomersaultCat :)
$500,000 question
WoT destroys families.
Old man is not joking or Zhirinovsky about Nemtsov
Please tell me where the Trajan Software Co. has gone? Or any information about their TRAJAN software product.
Old man is not joking or Zhirinovsky about Nemtsov
Interesting makeup
2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968 film.
Brother's sneakers
The best test of Sigmund Freud
"Morning" on the TV channel "Russia 1".
Works by Lviv artist Nazar Stefanovich
Jon Snow
I'll just leave it here too...
What if the parents are trash?
I almost cried
Appeal of a pensioner to Obama.
Kristen Nicole
The average American household is poorer now than it was in 1989
read dialogue from bottom to top
Fighting kitten
beautiful legs
Need help
Catleg :3
I. Brodsky, 1970, do you recognize anything?
A selection of photos from this summer!