YuraRAKUS posts, page 2
02-October-2022 Sunday
To the lawyers Peekaboo
25-September-2022 Sunday
28-February-2022 Monday
The world economy in simple words...
21-February-2022 Monday
So that's it ...
07-February-2022 Monday
Response to the post "From you a thousand pesos"
05-February-2022 Saturday
Neil DeGrass Tyson. "Review"
27-January-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "A cunning plan or how to leave the residents of Torzhok without the necessary medicines and at the same time help all relatives"
25-January-2022 Tuesday
24-January-2022 Monday
20-January-2022 Thursday
Feline Mayakovsky
14-January-2022 Friday
QIW by Squarepusher'ski
10-January-2022 Monday
JIIoIIa12's response in "Wai we are friends look like, not that you are Russians"
10-January-2022 Monday
Lie low in bruges
10-January-2022 Monday
There was a man.
10-January-2022 Monday
So 3 stars...
07-January-2022 Friday
20-December-2021 Monday
Heating question
17-December-2021 Friday
Intriguing controversy
10-December-2021 Friday
09-December-2021 Thursday
Advertising life in our country?
03-December-2021 Friday
Destroy and "resurrect"