Yriy1978 posts, page 4

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11-May-2024 Saturday
Finding myself

11-May-2024 Saturday
About dogs

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Post as a sign of protest. But apparently it will also be demolished. Yes and don't give a shit

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Peekaboo is no longer Peekaboo. Stupidly random photo from gallery

27-March-2024 Wednesday
How is it, how is it all gone, what if I want to fly into the photo out of nothing, stupidly bTcolumn will it fly?

27-March-2024 Wednesday
How "We" Live Every Day "Smoking" And "Sitting" in the SnowIn the Hope That It Will All Melt With the Snow

22-March-2024 Friday
The button accordion is a bayan accordion, but the ska is funny

22-March-2024 Friday
And again Novosibirsk distinguished itself. Not only Kologrishka gets all the laurels

21-March-2024 Thursday
Bayan button accordion. It seems we have begun to forget the classics of the genre in button accordions. For the mood

21-March-2024 Thursday
What a twist!!!

21-March-2024 Thursday
South Korea, new level of pets

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