Yokz comments, page 6

[8] [7] [6] [5] [1]

29-August-2014 Friday
Elections in the Trans-Urals

27-August-2014 Wednesday
Ice Bucket Challenge! McElroy!

08-August-2014 Friday
Since such a booze has gone ... =) [2]

06-August-2014 Wednesday
A little humor for Mark Twain lovers

03-August-2014 Sunday
It's done! My song will be played in Japan!

01-August-2014 Friday
Scary pictures on burgers

21-July-2014 Monday
Every 4 hours I press that damn button!

16-July-2014 Wednesday
Google vs.

18-June-2014 Wednesday
Physical rebus

18-June-2014 Wednesday
Dumb Ideas Part 3

15-June-2014 Sunday
Expectation and reality.

15-June-2014 Sunday
Typical Graduate :)

13-June-2014 Friday

12-June-2014 Thursday
How to divide by zero

12-June-2014 Thursday
This is our governor

11-June-2014 Wednesday

11-June-2014 Wednesday
Psaki doesn't know what he's doing

10-June-2014 Tuesday
Street musician

09-June-2014 Monday
The Magnificent Five and the Goalkeeper

[8] [7] [6] [5] [1]
