best comments
warm place
So who is smarter?
So who is smarter?
Coughing and sneezing
And instead of a boss - a polynomial
So who is smarter?
A little bit of Volgograd
What's wrong with you?
Drunk from court.
How stores make us spend more money
And again Delivery Club
Coughing and sneezing
What's wrong with you?
Where Dreams May Come
What's wrong with you?
A little bit of Volgograd
"Stove + a little solarium." Or "When the orderly cretin"
Champion of Stupidity
And this...
Typical tech support
And this...
And this...
Happy holiday, comrades!
Mini Sword
And this...
What crazy things have you done?
Satirical drawings that make you think...
In Volgograd, ex-judge Tatyana Ryzhykh wants to avoid criminal prosecution
What's wrong with you?
Drunk from court.
Kayerkan - northern city
Preparation for the exhibition
Engineering Beinblade