Yanav comments

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07-November-2017 Tuesday
Apartment for a wedding

22-October-2017 Sunday
If you don't know what to see

23-September-2017 Saturday
15 facts about China: men's hugs, tears, beauty and wands

02-September-2017 Saturday
Dragon Shaped River (Samurai Dam in Kochi, Japan)

25-August-2017 Friday
Children played tag in the garages.

10-August-2017 Thursday
Who is the killer?

27-July-2017 Thursday
You have there ... well, okay ...

03-November-2016 Thursday
Single copy of IKEA catalog with gay couple on cover put up for charity auction

11-August-2016 Thursday
Turkey - best enemy or worst friend?

11-August-2016 Thursday
LGBT philately - a loophole for propaganda

07-August-2016 Sunday
Aggressive Christians against science and gays

25-July-2016 Monday
Vodka advertisement in Berlin

20-June-2016 Monday
Good picture for Children's Day

12-March-2016 Saturday
China bans homosexuality from TV

08-February-2016 Monday
So close and so far

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