worst comments
Colorblindness, such colorblindness
A bunch of words and the cake is ready.
Will you play with her???
Dnepropetrovsk today! The White Walkers are coming!
Pickup God.
"In the refrigerator, standing in the country, a light bulb burned out ..."
Jon Snow is alive!
Lady Aribeth de Tilmarand
The elevator button has been changed!
Horizontal bars
Pirates of the Pikabush Sea.
Life is pain
And all because they will talk and look each other in the face.
"Found a dumpster with the same wheels as my car."
For three weeks, the parsley planted by his wife does not change in growth.
A little fact about California
All who minus - motherfuckers !!!
All who minus - motherfuckers !!!
Guess where the human male is. (I don't dare to call it a man)
Make me unsee THIS! (Or this music is the second day in my head)
Screenshot screenshot screenshot =)
When you're stuck in traffic
On the topic "give way" on the train
Do no good.
Information is a weapon
Friends invited for a beer
Now VK does not work (but the peekaboo plows)
Now VK does not work (but the peekaboo plows)
Your computer is heating up...
"Found a dumpster with the same wheels as my car."
My childhood memories of Mother.
A shadow of the past
Vasya from Caste.
I'm sorry, what?
ATMs and aircraft
How to scare the shit out of your neighbors.
spare wheel for daewoo matiz
Editing comments.
"They say the girl has a killer left hook"
My g@vno-post #1
Happy New Years, ladies!
Wernigerode Castle
Anton Alekseev and Alexey Antonov!