worst comments
Reply to "no comments" post
went to principle
went to principle
Nobody likes whales anymore
Japan declared the unacceptability of Russia's position on fishing in the Kuriles
This communal, communal apartment...
About braking distance
Galitsky Park in the midst of autumn
Interesting photos of the 90s (part 70)
watchman syndrome
It's not fair
Immortal Regiment
What do you know about diversification?
On the beach, 1970s
A true classic.
Let's talk
"Let's piss on the eternal flame! Let's piss, bld!"
Montage King - Zach King
I say don't buy
British scientists may not
Sergeant Lavrov was wrong
Murmansk heroes do not wear raincoats, but put on a diving suit
Europeans are tired of Ukrainian refugees
Reply to the post "Not all adults are smart"
Dots over and...
Severe Ural palm trees
When the cat did not calculate
Reply to the post "Mileage is not happy"
Soviet posters. The economy must be economical. Part 1
Legal Stories #477: Alimony from ex-husband's wife
Twitter employees showed how their team has changed since the arrival of Elon Musk
Fedor, Happy Holidays!
And it's really funny)
Shake what you got from mom ;)
Close the door!
Cheesecakes without cheese
Reply to "British Holidays"
What are you doing?
Actually Summer is still far away
Mom, she is mom
Response to the Post "Pun"
Who would have thought?
Fedor, Happy Holidays!
Bank and mobilization
How to make sure that palm trees do not die in the south of Russia. The answer was on the surface
That's how I imagined her
Can you get cancer?
References to the classics
Catch a fish big and small
beer master
Stole on the go
A collection of albino blacks in France
went to principle
Crimean persimmon
What do you see when you come home?
epic combo
Why wait then
Bond is not the same...
Student in practice, USSR. 1980s